速報APP / 社交 / Active Neighbor

Active Neighbor



檔案大小:60 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Active Neighbor(圖1)-速報App

We know how difficult it could be moving into a new neighborhood; we know how stressful it could be finding your way around your neighborhood; we also appreciate how important, engaging and lovely it is to share, trade or exchange ideas, goods, experiences, feelings, advice, and security-related issues with your neighbors. Do you need a vacation perhaps to a place you've never been to? Active neighbor is here to take care of all of that.

Active Neighbor(圖2)-速報App

Active Neighbor is the most convenient, user-friendly app that enables you to connect with your immediate neighbors. It gives you the feeling of being part of a larger family. With Active Neighbor, you can easily connect With your immediate neighbors, share information, render and receive services, receive or give real-time security updates, receive reliable information and recommendations on vacations from your neighbors, and fight boredom with your exciting and interesting neighbors.

Active Neighbor(圖3)-速報App

Unlike other social media apps like Facebook, Facetime, texting and others, Active Neighbor creates strong bonding between you and your immediate neighbors thereby promotes neighborliness and positive emotions.

Active Neighbor(圖4)-速報App
